In the last couple of days he has eaten / damaged / destroyed or otherwise chewed:
- three napkins
- two towels (only one of which was a dog towel)
- two television remote controls
- one invoice (not yet sent)
- one bottle of nail polish
- several emery boards
- the TV paper
- two pens
- part of the daily crossword
- the Past Times catalogue -we didn't want anything - well we don't think we did!
- the corners of virtually all the dog beds
- the edge of the hearth rug
- attempted three different sorts of chair
- the dining table - only half heartedly not sure if that's because people were present or he was tired
- tried and was (thankfully) defeated by a box of tissues
- one purse, leather (which distracted him from the money)
(Yes, he says, I'll just eat this labrador's leg)